Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal treatment is needed in each case where inflammation of periodontal tissues exists, (i.e. gingivitis or periodontitis).

When there is inflammation of the periodontal tissues of the gums become reddish, swollen and easily bleed. In advanced stages the bone surrounding teeth is absorbed and the gum around teeth get loosen and reassessed, allowing part of teeth root exposed. The teeth also become mobile or lose their original position.

This unhealthy situation does not only affect the aesthetics of a beautiful smile, and function, but further complicate the mastication and speech.

The inflammation of periodontal tissue is the result of improper care and ineffective oral hygiene. In these cases, the mouth flora bacteria stick around the teeth and form the dental plaque.

As the bacteria multiply produce toxins that act in the gums and jaw bone as poisons. If these germs are not removed from the teeth, gradually they harden and the dental plaque is calcified. Thus, it is converted into calculus which can be extended beneath the gums.