

The prevention of periodontal disease is absolutely feasible.

It can only be achieved when people are informed and motivated from an early age.

Adults over the age of 35 have the tendency to lose more teeth due to periodontal disease compared to dental decay.

Three out of four adults are at some point in their lives affected by some kind of a periodontal problem. In general, prevention of periodontal disease and dental decay is achieved by practicing daily and effective oral hygiene, tailored to the specific needs of each and every patient. It is carried out under the guidance of a dentist or a specialized dental hygienist. In addition, frequent check-ups by a dentist assure timely diagnosis and treatment of minor periodontal problems as they just start to arise, of which the treatment is simple and predictable.

Unfortunately in some occasions, even though the oral hygiene is extremely meticulous, some patients may develop periodontal problems. After such a problem has occurred, the only way to combat it, is by treatment by a professional periodontist.

The health of gums can also be affected by the following factors:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Stress
  • Hormones
  • Clenching and teeth grinding (bruxism)
  • Medication
  • Bad diet habits
  • General health
  • Immune system disorders